Financial reports

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Financial reports

Financial reports

2023 Annual Report

Find the annual financial results of Banque Stellantis France Group.

Financial reports

2023 Half-year Report

Find the half-year financial results of Banque Stellantis France Group.

Financial reports

2022 Annual Report

Find the annual financial results of PSA Banque France Group.

Financial reports

2022 Half-year Report

Find the half-year financial results of PSA Banque France Group.

Financial reports

2021 Annual Report

Find the annual financial results of PSA Banque France Group.

Financial reports

2021 Half-year Report

Find the half-year financial results of PSA Banque France Group.

Financial reports

2020 Annual Report

Find the annual financial results of PSA Banque France Group.

Financial reports

2020 Half-year report

Find the half-year financial results of PSA Banque France Group

Financial reports

2019 Annual Report

Find the annual financial results of PSA Banque France Group.

Financial reports

2019 Half-year report

Find the half-year financial results of PSA Banque France Group

Financial reports

2018 Annual Report

Find the annual financial results of PSA Banque France Group.

Financial reports

2018 Half-year report

Find the half-year financial results of PSA Banque France Group

Financial reports

2017 Annual Report

Find the annual financial results of PSA Banque France Group.

Financial reports

2017 Semestrial report

Find the half-year financial results of PSA Banque France Group

Financial reports

2016 Annual Report

Find the annual financial results of PSA Banque France Group

Financial reports

2016 Semestrial report

Find the half-year financial results of PSA Banque France Group

Financial reports

2015 Annual Report

Find the annual financial results of PSA Banque France Group