Find hereunder the legal notice of this website. 

The website accessible at (hereinafter the "Site") is intended for the personal information of the Net surfers who use it. Access and use of the Site are subject to this "Legal Notice" and all applicable laws and/or regulations.

Legal information

Publication :

The Site is published by Banque Stellantis France,
a French limited company with a capital of EUR 144,842,528,
registered at the RCS of Nanterre under the number 652 034 638,
headquartered at 2-10 Boulevard de l'Europe 78300 Poissy France – Tel. +33 (0)1 46 39 66 33,
Intra-community VAT number: FR83652034638 and ADEME number : FR231747_01GVZS.

Banque Stellantis France is a credit institution approved and controlled by the French Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR), 4 Place de Budapest - CS 92459 - 75436 Paris Cedex 09.

  • Publication Director: Laurent Aubineau
  • Editor: Stéphane Riehl
  • Tel: +33 (0)1 46 39 66 33

The Site is the property of CREDIPAR.

Website host:


18 Rue du Faubourg du Temple 75011 Paris France

Tel: +33 (0)

Intellectual property

The Site and its contents are protected by intellectual property rights, in particular by copyright, design and trademark laws.

The use of the Site does not imply any transfer of any kind, to the benefit of the user, of intellectual property rights on the elements available on the Site and belonging to Banque Stellantis France, its subsidiaries, companies of the Stellantis Group or third parties having authorized Banque Stellantis France to exploit them.

The general structure of the Site, the brands, drawings, models, images, texts, photos, logos, graphical charters, software and programs, search engines, databases, sounds, videos, domain, product and service names, the design or any other information or medium displayed on the Site, without this list being exhaustive, are the exclusive property of Banque Stellantis France, its subsidiaries, companies of the Stellantis Group or third parties having authorized Banque Stellantis France to exploit them and are protected by their copyrights, trademarks, patents and any other intellectual or industrial property rights which are recognized to them according to the laws in force.

In particular, the vehicle models appearing on the Site and the "CITROËN" and "DS" trademarks, the "double chevron" and "DS" logos, the "PEUGEOT" brand and the "Stylized full-length lion" brand representing the logo of Automobiles Peugeot, the "Stellantis Finance & Services" brands as well as the vehicle model brands displayed on the Site, are protected.

Any reproduction, representation, distribution or rebroadcast, in whole or in part, of any of these intellectual property rights, without the express authorization of Banque Stellantis France, is prohibited and constitutes an infringement sanctioned by articles L. 335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.

As a result, the user is prohibited from any action likely to directly or indirectly infringe the intellectual property rights of Banque Stellantis France, its subsidiaries, companies of the Stellantis Group or third parties having authorized Banque Stellantis France to exploit them.

Information about products and services

The information and illustrations on the pages of the Site are general information and have no contractual value.

Banque Stellantis France strives to ensure the accuracy, currency and completeness of the information published on the Site and reserves the right to modify it at any time without notice. Nevertheless, Banque Stellantis France accepts no direct or indirect responsibility regarding the accuracy, currency and availability of the information contained on the Site.

Banque Stellantis France cannot be held liable for any decision made on the basis of information provided on the Site. Nor can it be held liable for direct or indirect losses resulting from the use of such information.

The Site is not intended to solicit the subscription of products or services. Hyperlinks may nevertheless direct users of the Site to the commercial sites of companies affiliated with Banque Stellantis France or belonging to the Stellantis Group, when they are interested in the products or services presented.

Conditions of access

Use of the Site

Access to the Site is free, excluding communication and/or Internet connection and use costs, which are the user's responsibility, according to the terms and conditions set by their telecommunications operator and/or Internet Service Provider, and excluding the acquisition and maintenance costs of the computer resources used by the user, which are also their responsibility.

The Site is accessible seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day. However, Banque Stellantis France reserves the right to suspend at any time access and use of the Site for internal and/or technical reasons, in particular to allow its maintenance.

Users of the Site undertake to use it in accordance with its intended purpose, in compliance with this Legal Notice and applicable laws and regulations.

The Legal Notice comes into effect on the date of its online publication and is binding on any user on the date they use the Site for the first time.
The Legal Notice is binding throughout the duration of use of the Site and until a new Legal Notice supersedes it.
A link allows users to view, print and/or download it.

Banque Stellantis France reserves the right to modify, at any time and without notice, the Legal Notice. Therefore, users of the Site are invited to check it out regularly, as all changes are binding upon them each time they access the Site.

Users are reminded that secrecy of correspondence is not guaranteed on the Internet and that the data circulating on the net are not necessarily protected, in particular against possible diversions. As a result, users must take all appropriate measures to protect their own data and/or software from contamination by possible viruses circulating on the Internet and/or intrusion attempts.

Any user may at any time waive the use of the Site but remains responsible for any prior use of the Site and any damage that Banque Stellantis France may sustain as a result of such use.

Banque Stellantis France undertakes to implement the appropriate measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of the Site and the confidentiality and integrity of the data exchanged between the user's device and the Site.

Banque Stellantis France cannot be held responsible for any malfunction or interruption of the Internet network, of any restriction to Internet access or any malfunction of the user's device (computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.), of their Internet connection, as well as of the software they use, which would prevent and/or degrade the access to, or viewing of, the Site.

Similarly, Banque Stellantis France cannot be held liable by a user for any damage, direct or indirect, resulting from an intrusion or contamination by viruses of the devices and software they use to access the Site and view it, the origin or basis of the consultation and/or use of the Site.

Finally, Banque Stellantis France accepts no responsibility for a disruption of access to the Site for reasons of maintenance or force majeure.

Protection of personal data

Viewing the Site is possible without the user of the Site having to reveal their identity or any other personal information concerning them.

During user's visits on the Site, cookies may be placed on the terminal they use. The rules applicable to cookies are accessible in the Cookie Policy of Banque Stellantis France available on the Site.

To answer any requests for information, and/or, if necessary, to process subscription requests to an electronic newsletter ("mailing list"), the collection of certain personal information of the user is then necessary. All the information requested is essential for these purposes and is intended for Banque Stellantis France. Such collected information is subject to computer processing. It is kept the time necessary to achieve the purposes defined above and is updated annually.

In accordance with applicable regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), each user has the right to query, access, limit, oppose, rectify and port its processing as well as a right to set guidelines regarding the fate of their data after their death. These rights must be exercised by letter, with a photocopy of a signed proof of identity, sent by the post the Département Communication de Banque Stellantis France, 2-10 Boulevard de l'Europe, 78300 Poissy France. Each user also has the right to lodge a complaint with a national supervisory authority such as the CNIL in France.

Users are informed that the contact details of the Data Protection Officer of Banque Stellantis France are: Le Délégué à la protection des données – Banque Stellantis France - 2-10 Boulevard de l'Europe 78300 Poissy France.


Banque Stellantis France reserves the right to set up hyperlinks on the Site giving access to web pages and websites published or managed by third parties. Banque Stellantis France shall under no circumstances be held liable for such links.

Banque Stellantis France accepts no responsibility as to the contents of the information or products or services offered on these sites or from these sites, after activating such hyperlinks.

Setting up a hyperlink to the Site requires prior written authorization from Banque Stellantis France. Under no circumstances may this authorization be considered an implicit agreement of affiliation. In any case, hyperlinks to the Site must be removed at the first request of Banque Stellantis France.

Governing Law and jurisdiction

The Site and this Legal Notice are governed by to French law. They are written in French.

In the event of any dispute relating to the interpretation or implementation of this Legal Notice, the French courts will have sole jurisdiction.

Updated on: 08 October 2020