Cookies policy

Cookies policy.


We wish to inform you in a clear and transparent way about the use of cookies when you visit our website (hereinafter the "website").

To enable you to benefit from the services offered by our site, such as its consultation, optimization of its use or its personalization, our site uses cookies.

When visiting our site, information about the navigation of your terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) on our site can be stored in text files called "cookies", installed on your browser. Cookies will be used to recognize your browser for the duration of the cookie. A cookie is a file that is enabled in write or read mode. On telephony equipment, these tractors are the device identifiers and the advertising identifiers.

They will be installed subject to the choices you have made about them. You can change them at any time.

            Setting Cookies:

There are different types of cookies:

Technical cookies including session cookies that disappear as soon as you leave our site or remain permanently.

Functional cookies, for example to manage the language or duration of consent ;

Audience cookies that remain on your terminal until their lifespan expires or until you remove them using the features of your browser ;

Marketing Cookies

Cookies on social networks

Purpose of the cookies used:

The cookies used by the website have different purposes:

Facilitate your navigation;

Define a writing language;

Conducting statistics of visits;

Some cookies, not subject to your consent, are essential for the use of the site. These are the functional cookies used by Credipar that allow you to memorize your display and use preferences (language used, country, information on the acceptance of the use of cookies) in order to facilitate your browsing the next time you visit the website.

These cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the site.

Other cookies (audience analysis cookies or analytical cookies) submitted to your consent, which allow Credipar to analyze and measure the use of the site in order to improve its operation.

This cookie policy is coordinated with our general privacy policy.

This policy is formulated in accordance with the following regulations:

Article 82 of the Computer Law and Freedoms (Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on computer, files and freedoms);

The GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 - General Regulation on data protection), and in particular Article 7 on procedures for collecting consent;

The CNIL Guidelines of 17 September 2020;

The CNIL's "cookies and other tracers" recommendations of September 17, 2020.


Cookies used by our site

The cookies used by the site are cookies deposited by Credipar.

The cookies used are detailed in the table below:






Functional Cookies

Allows you to trace URLs visited by the user during a single session

30 minutes

AB Tasty

Cookies fonctionnel

Allows you to trace all data from testing (visitorID, test IDs and variations, timestamps)

13 months



Hearing Metering Cookies

Associated with Google Analytics.

It is used to limit demand throughput, which limits data collection at high-traffic sites

1 minute

PSA Country

Functional Cookies

Define the country in which the user is located

1 year


Hearing Metering Cookies

Associated with Google Analytics.

It stores and updates a unique value for each page visited on a website.

1 day


Hearing Metering Cookies

Associated with Google Analytics.

Used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client ID. It is included in each page request in a site and used to calculate visitor, session and campaign data for site analysis reports

1 year




On your first visit to our site, you are offered to accept or refuse the use of all cookies and cookies of third parties that require the collection of your consent before you can be installed.

It is also possible for you to consent independently and specifically to the installation of cookies requiring your consent, for each separate purpose, via the "Configure" option.

You also have the option to leave the Cookies consent banner by clicking on "Continue without accepting". It should be noted that simply continuing browsing without clicking on one of the options offered by this Cookies Banner is like refusing consent.

When you accept the deposit of cookies, a consent cookie is installed. If you do not wish cookies to be installed or read on your terminal, a refusal cookie will be placed on your equipment so that you can record information that you have opposed the use of cookies for a period of 6 months.

If you delete this cookie, you will no longer be able to identify yourself as having refused to use cookies. In this context, the cookies of refusal or consent must remain on your terminal. You can change your choices at any time by clicking on "Cookie Management" at the bottom of the page.


Cookie Management


You may manage and modify the use of cookies at any time as described below:

by clicking on "Cookie Management" at the bottom of our site, or

from your navigation software, or

interprofessional opposition platforms.


Data Protection


As part of the use of Credipar cookies, Credipar may process your personal data as the controller of the processing.

The processing of your personal data collected from cookies subject to your consent is based on your consent. As for the processing of your data from cookies exempted from consent, it is based on Credipar’s legitimate interest to ensure the proper functioning of its website.

The shelf life is defined according to the type of cookies and their purpose, described above.

As a reminder: you are able to withdraw your consent at any time from the management module accessible on all pages of the site.

You have the right to access, rectify, erase, portability of your data, opposition, as well as the right to limit the processing.

Finally, you have the right to formulate specific and general guidelines on the preservation, deletion and communication of your post-mortem personal data. The exercise of rights and the communication of specific post-mortem directives shall be carried out by e-mail at the following e-mail address:

For more information, including on the exercise of your rights, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

Requests for the exercise of your rights are addressed to our Data Protection Officer at:

- Next Postal: The Data Protection Officer - CREDIPAR - 2-10 Boulevard de l'Europe, CS 60168,78307 Poissy Cedex; or

- Electronic:

You also have the right to file a complaint with the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), the competent supervisory authority located at 3 Place de Fontenoy 75007 Paris.


Entry into force

This policy comes into force on the date of its posting. The same is true of changes.